Laurie Schroder
Associate Professor
- schroderl@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5779
- Building 2, Quillen College of Medicine/Veteran Affairs
EDD University of St. Augustine, 2012 (Curriculum Development, Andragogy)
DPT University of Tennessee Chattanooga, 2010 (Physical Therapy)
DMin Masters University of Divinity, 2002 (Interdisciplinary Counseling)
MS University of Alabama Birmingham, 1995 (Physical Therapy)
Dr. Schroder previously served as an Assistant Professor in the Rehabilitation Sciences Program at ETSU and as Program Director for a physical therapist assistant program for more than ten years. She is actively engaged with the Team-Based Learning Collaborative, in accreditation activities with the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education and has previously served as a Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy Item Writer and Graduate Item Writer.COURSES TAUGHT
Wound Care
Teaching and Learning
Adult teaching and learning
Team-based and Project-based skills development
PICS and post-Covid Syndromes
Schroder, L., Ellis, R. (2021). Development of significant skills through team-based project learning, metacognitive training, and guided self-assessment. National Rehabilitation Education Online Conference.
Schroder, L. (2020). Combining the elements of team-based and project-based learning in an undergraduate rehabilitation sciences course to increase student engagement and improve outcomes. 19th Annual TBLC Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Schroder, L., Kupczynski, L, & Groff, S. L. (2018). The effect of team-based learning in a neurorehabilitation course within a physical therapist assistant academic program. Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2(1), 67-84.
Schroder, L. (2017). Generational differences in the classroom. 2017 Tennessee Association of Independent Colleges & Schools Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Schroder, L. (2016). Generational differences & classroom motivation. University of St. Augustine Residency Conference, St. Augustine, FL.
Schroder, L. (2011). Physical therapist assistants’ roles and responsibilities. Tennessee Physical Therapy Association Spring Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Schroder, L. (2004). Positioning and handling of children in the classroom. Annual Development Conference Clarksville-Montgomery County School District, Clarksville, TN.
Schroder, L. (1998). Wound care decision-making. Annual Conference National HealthCare, Corporation, Naples, FL.