Kyle Leister, PhD, CPO
Assistant Professor, Program Director
- Leister@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7414
- Ed Allen Hall, VA Building 2
PhD, Exercise Science (Kinesmetrics Focus), Syracuse University, 2023
MS, Kinesiology, University of Houston, 2020
MPO, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Northwestern University, 2015
BS, Athletic Training, Duquesne University, 2009
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Certified
Prosthetist and Orthotist (CPO#04257)
Tennessee Department of Health, Licensed Orthotist (#311)
Tennessee Department of Health, Licensed Prosthetist (#302)
Board of Certification, Certified Athletic Trainer (#2000001745)
Evidence-Based Practice: Research, Design, Methods, Application I & II
Directed Evidence-Based Practice I, II, & III
Outcome Measures in Orthotics and Prosthetics
My research focuses on objective measures of physical activity and methods for strengthening
the link between wearable technologies and clinical outcome measures for orthosis
and prosthesis users.
Leister KR, Duenas V, Burke, SE, Kim JY, Carroll K, Barreira TV. Enhancing Mobility Assessment for Individuals with Transtibial Amputation: Validating a Predictive Model Combining Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Accelerometry Data. (Under Peer Review).
Leister KR, Rosenberg J, Servais A, Leeds R. (May 2024). Neuromuscular Contributions to Disability in Children with Cerebral Palsy and the Impact of Stretching Orthoses and Therapeutic Exercise Interventions: A Narrative Review. Translational Pediatrics. 13(5):803-813; doi: 10.21037/tp-24-73
Leister KR, Burke SE, Kim JY, Duenas V, Barreira TV. (January 2024). Comparison of
daily step count between the Fitbit Inspire 3 and activPAL 3 in adults with transtibial
amputation. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science. 5:1331005; http://doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2024.1331005.
Leister KR, Resnick SL, Barreira TV. (September 2023). The Relationship Between Disability
and Sleep in a Nationally Representative Sample. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
55 (9S):256, 741.
Leister KR, Heffernan K, Miller T, Barreira TV. (May 2023). Physical activity and
mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic among individuals with amputation. Public
Library of Science - ONE. 18(5): e0283762.
Leister KR, Cilhoroz B, Rosenberg J, Brown E, Kim JY. (May 2022). Metabolic Syndrome:
Operational definitions and aerobic and resistance training benefits on physical and
metabolic health in children and adolescents. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical
Research and Review, 16(6).
Leister KR, Garay J, Barreira TV. (April 2022). Validity of a Novel Algorithm to Detect
Bed, Wake, and Sleep Times in Adults. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour,
5(2), 76-84.
Cilhoroz B, Zaleski A, Taylor B, Fernandez A, Santos L, Leister KR, Thompson PD, Pescatello, LS. (August 2021). The relationship between post-exercise hypotension and heart rate variability before and after training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 53(8S), 87.
Leister KR, Wurdeman SR. (April 2021). A walking bout among individuals with type 2 diabetes reveals altered foot thermodynamics associated with unilateral transtibial amputation. Prosthetics Orthotics International, 45(2), 178-183